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High Performing Culture

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High Performance Culture - Neuro Team View

High performance in teams has less to do with who is in a team and more to do with how team members interact with one another. Research has uncovered two important characteristics of individual team members that translate to effective teams:

1. High-performance teams are high-trust teams (Zak, 2017).


Research has found that the concept of “psychological safety” and interpersonal trust are core to high-performance teams. Psychological safety means team members trust one another enough to take risks and share a range of ideas without the fear of being embarrassed or being humiliated (others give team members the benefit of the doubt).

2. High-performance teams possess team members that are socially/emotionally aware (Druskat & Wolff, 2001).


The best performing teams respect one another’s emotions and are mindful that all members should participate equally. Research has shown that the social/emotional awareness of a team predicts team performance and is unrelated to the average or maximum individual overall intelligence of group members.



The culture of a team is defined by the collective behaviour of team members. Your NeuroTeamView assessment provides a measure of two foundation factors necessary for high performing teams:


Psychological Safety/Interpersonal Trust


Social/Emotional Awareness

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If you are ready to create a culture of high performance within your organisation, contact Paddy today for more information

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