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Predict Team Performance, your team is your success

Discover how your team can be the very best they can be. We do this by combining the science of behaviour, emotional intelligence and the science of motivation.

Team Meeting
Team Profiling

Using 30 years of research, we look at what makes normal people unique.

We use 4 sciences to help you and your team understand yourselves and each other better

  1. Science of behaviour

  2. Science of motivation

  3. Science of emotional intelligence

  4. Skills – DNA Competencies

We use a 3 part model for describing a team member
  1. Why we do things (Motivators)

  2. How we do things (Behaviour)

  3. What we do (knowledge and competencies)

Science of behaviour

We look at the role behaviour plays in performance to each job role and what behaviours are required for superior performance within each job role

Science of motivation/driving forces
Image by Headway

Personal drivers – The “Why” of what we do


Influence and decision making


Our way of perceiving value, our filters and our biases 

Emotional Intelligence

IQ is what gets us in the door, EQ is what gets us up the ladder


Emotional Intelligence is, “the capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships

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